Sunday, 1 November 2009

It was only a matter of time...

Till I started on the digital trainer illustrations... really overdone, but still I have plans for this one... 


From my research I know that the Trinomic sole was developed using a series of microsized hexagonal shaped cells in order to maximise not only effiency, but cushion the wearers feet and thus enhance performance. 

So my starting point was to use hexagons as some sort of starting point for possible design influences. I mocked up a hexagonal prism to see if there would be a potential problem concerning a packaging solution similar to it in the way it had to be assembled, and if it would ruin the overall finished product.

Here is a sample of the pattern I developed, but shortly scrapped, after trying to juggle around with some hex based typeface I created, it became clear that this was far too dull and unoriginal idea for a company renowned for their slick, clean and in an abstract way expressive design work. An excercise tried, tested, but has ended with a slight sick feeling in my stomach.

On the plus side, I did mock another one of my initial sketchbook ideas up, an improvement on the hexagonal prism idea, but with more space to utilise, and an improved structure. Now by using this as a very basic outline for the full idea, I would have a timeline of events that not only interests the potential consumer, but promotes and informs the viewer to the outstanding achievements of Puma. Inside there would be an original pair of Atoms that are a collectors item, which gives the company at hand a small taste of what the company has to offer.