Tuesday, 2 February 2010

5 Final crit questions.

1. Is it obvious that critical awareness is evident, if not are there any suggestions that could help me improve on this?

2. Does my research show that it has (visually) influenced and informed my decisions considering the motion graphic?

3. Is it apparent that visual quality and technical skills are being displayed in my work? Why/why not?

4. Are my animations relevant to my target audience? 

5. Is there enough evidence of problem analysis through ongoing investigation and reflection? If not how would you suggest to improve?

1 comment:

  1. Hey buddy, nice idents!

    Critical awareness is evident on your blog, looking at existing techniques, idents and techniques. You clearly have good contextual understanding but I would like to see more critical evaluation of your idents + development videos - annotate your blog post and talk about what is / isn't working in them, why you changed parts etc.

    Visually I think your idents are excellent. I know you think they look too simple but I really like the simplicity of your vector shapes and the way they move. The fact that all of them have the same appearance really helps solidify them as a group. Your logos for each film are also really nice. Your research is broard - idents, film titles/trailers, techniques etc., there are no glaring holes, but you could possibly add a little more contextual info.

    As i have already said, your visual quality is excellent and it really does showcase your AE skills. You can definitely tell you have a very good understanding of the program as a whole. Your storyboards are also excellent (the ones on issuu), but there is no link between these originals and what you are producing now. I think you need a blog post or two explaining this.

    I'd say that your animations are definitely relevant to your audience. Not too sure they could go out before the watershed tough :)

    Lauren and I discussed the idea of you adding a texture to your idents. if you look at the movies themselves they are bloody and grimy so the addition of a texture could help heighten this. You could add it simply after the idents are finished, layering over the top. Try it and post it with analysis.

    Your idents are all solid and I think the most important thing for you to do right now is to go back and critically analyse / evaluate developmental blog posts and add a little more contextual info.

    Very well don though mate. I like a lot!
