Thursday, 1 December 2011

Getting There

Almost got to where I want with this brief, since I wanted a quick turnaround, I am happy to say I think this will be resolved as of tomorrow so that allows me plenty of time to polish off everything else and start my other brief, which will, if I'm not careful, explode in my face.

Here is what I have been working on today, I have not done any of the other deliverables yet since the packaging will essentially dictate what the accompanying work will look like.

Had loads of Eureka moments today, after what was a relatively positive crit with Nick and Nat, it was discussed that the direction I was taking visually along with my rationale and tagline worked well. 

I chose the colours based upon the images I used for illustration purposes and have continued to use these throughout. The HEINZ brand concerning its Salad Cream products is primarily pastel/neutral/desaturated. 
I resolved the issues concerning colour at the crit, amends have been made and ran past fellow peers to confirm this, as well as reducing the opacity on the Garlic and Onion label background; which looks much better.

I had trouble with the visuals I had illustrated compositionally, but after some toying with them on the rosettes it became much easier.

A more uniform look of the flavours have been designed I believe, due to the cross section of the main flavour incorporated with the additional herb/spice/taste gives it a more distinct look. 

I think I am well on the way to finish off this brief by tomorrow, at least thats the general idea.

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